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Milton Keynes Sports Injury Clinic

Osteopath treating patient with knee pain
We run a sports injury clinic service in Milton Keynes

MK Sports Injury Clinic

We are a family-run osteopathic clinic in Bletchley, Milton Keynes, offering a full sports injury clinic service. We also offer sports massage and treat a range of other musculoskeletal related conditions including a Milton Keynes back pain clinic, and focus on helping you to stay healthy both now and in the future.

We know that sports injuries can be frustrating and that you want to get back into action as soon as possible. Booking is quick and easy with our online system, there are no long wait times and you can usually see one of us within 24-48 hours of making your appointment. We will give you a professional diagnosis and treatment plan, and help you with the knowledge and tools you need to aid your own recovery and get back into your chosen sport quickly and safely.


We are proud to have helped many people to remain pain-free and  have over 50 5-star reviews on Google.

Treating Sports Injuries with Osteopathy

Treating Sports Injuries with Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a physical therapy ideally suited to the treatment of sports injuries such as sprains and strains, and repetitive injuries such as tennis elbow or runners knee. Osteopaths utilise a wide range of physical therapy techniques including direct spinal and joint manipulation, mobilisation, soft tissue techniques including sports massage, deep tissue massage and myofascial release, and stretching.

Osteopaths train for a minimum of 4 years and are registered and regulated in the UK by the General Osteopathic Council. Osteopathy is recognised as one of the 14 Allied Health Professions, and many osteopaths work in musculoskeletal departments of the NHS. Osteopaths are also Primary Care Practitioners, trained to diagnose your problem in the first instance, and recommend you for further diagnostic services (e.g. x-rays) if necessary.

Person receiving sports massage to shoulders
Osteopathy is an ideal treatment for many sports injuries
Osteopath carrying out sports therapy with patient
We will help you to stay strong and healthy after your recovery

The overriding philosophy of osteopathy is to remove blockages to the body’s natural healing mechanisms. For example, this might mean by improving blood flow to the affected area and helping the body to remove waste products, improving range of motion and flexibility, or by improving alignment and helping the body to move more freely and heal quickly. Osteopaths consider the body as a whole, and are experts not only on general biomechanics but the way in which an injury to one part of the body can affect other areas.

This suits our treatment philosophy perfectly. At Poplar Osteopathy Clinic we take a unique approach in not just ‘fixing’ your problem but helping you to stay healthy in the future and avoid further injury. We are dedicated to empowering you to take control of your own health, and understand the mechanisms of injury and health to get the very best out of yourself, and out of your sport and fitness journey.

Our Practitioners

Aimee Newton, osteopath at Poplar Osteopathy Clinic Milton Keynes

Aimee Newton

Aimee is a yoga teacher and osteopath who combines these complementary disciplines to create a unique approach to ongoing health.

Rhodri Griffiths, osteopath at Poplar Osteopathy Clinic

Rhodri Griffiths

Rhodri is an experienced osteopath, passionate about biomechanics and understanding the human body.

Our person-centred practitioners are registered with the General Osteopathic Council and have many years experience in helping you towards a pain-free life.

Our Practitioners

Aimee Newton, osteopath at Poplar Osteopathy Clinic Milton Keynes

Aimee Newton


Aimee is a yoga teacher and osteopath who combines these complementary disciplines to create a unique approach to ongoing health.

Rhodri Griffiths, osteopath at Poplar Osteopathy Clinic

Rhodri Griffiths


Rhodri is an experienced osteopath, passionate about biomechanics and understanding the human body.

Sports Injuries We Typically Treat

Sports Injuries We Typically Treat

Sports injuries generally break down into two different types. Acute injuries are those which happen suddenly, such as a strain (overstretching of a muscle or tendon) or sprain (overstretching of a ligament), a tear or partial ligament tear such as an ACL injury, or a direct blow such as falling awkwardly, or suffering a direct trauma after being involved in an accident or contact injury.

Chronic injuries are those which occur over a period of time. These are generally repetitive or overuse injuries such as achilles tendinopathy or plantar fasciitis (pain in the heel and bottom of the foot) in runners, or inflammation of the tendons on the inside or outside of the elbow (golfer’s elbow / tennis elbow) in racket sport players or people who use their arms a lot, for example cricket bowlers.

Runner holding calf in pain
Acute injuries happen suddenly
Osteopath treating young patient holding arm and shoulder
We treat many different sports injuries

Some of the most common injuries we treat include:

Aimee and Rhodri of Poplar Osteopathy Clinic Milton Keynes
Rhodri & Aimee

About Us

We are a family-run osteopathic clinic based just outside of Milton Keynes.

We take a unique, holistic approach to healthcare, helping you to live an active and pain-free life over the long-term.

Booking is easy using our online system, and if you have any questions, we’re always on hand to help!

Person holding ice pack to their ankle
There is much debate around the effectiveness of ice and heat for sports injuries

Self-Care for Sports Injuries

There is currently a great deal of debate in physical therapy over the best way to approach minor sprains and strains and whether the traditional use of ice and heat to curb swelling is beneficial to the healing process. Rather than the traditional RICE approach, many therapists now recommend the PEACE and LOVE approach, emphasising rest and then gradual reloading, with the supervision of a qualified physical therapist to help you understand your body and the best way to take an active role in your own recovery. 

If you feel that your injury is serious enough that it won’t clear up within a few days, resting the affected area and getting a professional diagnosis and advice on your injury is the best first step you can generally take. This will also help you to understand how long your recovery is likely to take and what steps you can do to help yourself, all of which will help you to keep a positive attitude and take constructive steps towards your own recovery.

Rehab and Recovery

It’s common to want to get back to your sport as quickly as possible, and many people hurt themselves again trying to get back into their sport before they are fully recovered. This can cause you to end up with a worse injury than you had to begin with, which can be an extremely demoralising setback.

We are dedicated to getting you back into your chosen activity safely, and specialise in giving you the knowledge you need to work with your own body to know how much you can push yourself in your return to full fitness and where your limits are. We will show you how to reload the affected area and work on specific areas of strength and flexibility to get the affected area back to normal and prevent further injury.

Young woman using TRX in gym
We will advise you on rehab and reloading at the correct pace


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Making an appointment is easy online

Make an Appointment

We are here to help and want to get you back into action as soon as possible. Booking is easy with our online system and there are no long wait times, allowing you to get the reassurance of a professional diagnosis and recovery timeline as soon as possible, and start doing everything you can to recover quickly and safely.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to book a free 15-minute in-person or telephone consultation.

Aimee and Rhodri of Poplar Osteopathy Clinic Milton Keynes

Medical Review

The information on this page has been reviewed for accuracy by Rhodri Griffiths M.Ost, Osteopath, and Aimee Newton M.Ost, Osteopath